RNA RESET ReMag - How to load magnesium for migraine protocol

RNA RESET's ReMag® is truly the Magnesium Miracle®. Magnesium is vital for glucose, fat, and protein metabolism, and and is required for ATP production in cell mitochondria.* Magnesium also supports healthy bones by regulating calcium absorption and metabolizing the active form of Vitamin D from its storage form. It is an essential non-protein compound required by 300 enzyme systems that promote thousands of biochemical reactors in the body, such as regulating temperature, producing and transporting energy, transmitting nerve signals, and relaxing muscles. It also serves as one great tool in your toolkit for migraine. 

How to load magnesium:

Dilute before consuming, please do not put ReMag undiluted straight into your body. Mixing this with any beneficially salt will have better effectiveness and symptom reduction. 

Start with a low and build very slowly. Sip all day. 

Beginning daily dose: Add 1/8 to 1/6 teaspoon into 1L with sea, pink or kosher salt until your reach 1 full teaspoon.

Saturation dose: May take 9 months to 18 months. Increase dose by 1/4 teaspoon per day up to 4 teaspoons total max per day. Use your symptoms as a guide. 

Maintenance dose after saturation is reached. Ease back gradually to 1 teaspoon for as long as you don't have any symptoms of magnesium deficiency. 


To learn more on how Magnesium can help migraine click RnA ReSet

Secondly, to learn more on Magnesium and holistic health click Cymbiotika

Thirdly, to learn more about water filtration please click Watersco

Fourthly, https://www.migraine.org.au/ is an Australian blog 


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