The problem with drinking demineralized water

What are the health risk from drinking demineralized water?

This article is a summary of points raised by the WHO report written in conjunction with the National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic.


Throughout the world the composition and make up of water varies greatly due to local geological conditions. For example a spring located in northern Western Australia will not contain the same properties as water located at the bottom south east corner of Victoria.

It sure does makes sense, just like our fingerprints, not all water is created equal.

Throughout numerous ancient civilizations the awareness and importance of minerals and other beneficial constituents in drinking water has existed for thousands of years. Knowingly the Vedas of India and some of the oldest Aboriginal civilizations here in Australia cherished the nature of water and it's life giving powers. 

The problem we face today is feeding and hydrating a rapidly growing population whilst maintaining optimal health. 

So what happens when water processing removes what we need?

The process of using demineralized water for drinking and cooking becomes problematic for numerous reasons. Here are some of the health risks from the consumption of demineralized or low mineral water:

- Risk of affecting intestinal mucus membrane, metabolism and mineral homeostasis and other body functions

- Little or no intake of calcium and magnesium from low mineral water

- Low intake of other essential elements and micro elements

- Lots of calcium, magnesium and other essential elements in prepared food

- Possible increased dietary intake  of toxic metals

 So how do we fix this problem? 

One of the most important factors for nervous system health is ensuring you meet your daily nutritional requirement for magnesium. A body lacking magnesium increases your chances of fibromyalgia, migraine and other more significant neurological conditions. On paper it's quite simple to remedy, the challenge is the behaviors necessary to make the right choice, then stick to it. 

In Australia if you drink tap water, then stop, do not consume it or cook with it. 






To learn more on how Magnesium can help migraine click RnA ReSet

Secondly, to learn more on Magnesium and holistic health click Cymbiotika

Thirdly, to learn more about water filtration please click Watersco

Fourthly, is an Australian blog 



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